While dragging his luggage, Shaurya held a phone near his ears. His sweet Angel Aunt was talking to him.
AASHMAAN Neil Khanna, a sweet and gentle lady who loved Shaurya so much was desperately waiting to see him.
"Aunt Aashi! I'm fine and landed here a minute ago. so please don't tell anyone, especially Uncle Neil", Shaurya was talking to Aashmaan who got to know about his surprise arrival.
"Oh, my Bun Bun! I won't tell anyone about this", Aashmaan said and she giggled softly.
"Oh! I forgot to tell you that I found a perfect girl for you", Aashmaan said enthusiastically.
"Aunt?", Shaurya groaned loudly and knew it was difficult for him to make his mother and aunts understand that he wasn't in the mood to get married.
"What Aunt? You're 25 years old now and I think it's a perfect time for you to get married", Aashmaan said loudly and Shaurya sighed.
"Aunt Aashi! I'm not ready for the marriage and I'm not the eldest one in the family so I think you should think about Ansh first then me", Shaurya said and Aashmaan immediately responded to him, "I already found one pretty girl for him".
Aashmaan said and smirked playfully because she knew how both boys ran away merely after a discussion of marriage.
"Please, Aunt. I'm at the airport and I'll talk to you when I come to meet you", Shaurya said hoping that she would agree with him.
"Oh! okay then see you soon my Bun Bun", Aashmaan said and gave him kisses on the phone.
Shaurya cut the call and shook his head at her endearments.
"Aunt Aashi and her new endearments for the kids of my family," He thought and hailed a cab and went to his house - KASHYAP MANSION.
Staring out of the street, his mind went back to his childhood memories.
Flashback:- (Shaurya was fifteen and Jiya was Eight years old)
When Shaurya came back from abroad to spend some time with his family. Pashika made a table full of his favorite dishes for him.
"Bunny! eat this I made all your favorite dishes", Pashika said and Arjun was looking at her amusingly.
"Mama! Just sit naa I'll eat every dish you cooked for me", Shaurya said and smiled at her mother's love and affection.
"Yes! Big B eats otherwise Mumma will eat your brain with her extra sweetness", Ariv said and Arin and Arthit shook their heads at him.
Aarya was sitting beside him and stole food from Shaurya's plate. Arjun was feeding Little Arika with his hands.
Shaurya asked when he saw her going somewhere, "Mama ! Where are you going?".
"Oh I'm going to give this to Jiya", Pashika said and took a plate in her hand.
"Mumma! I'll go with you", Aarya said and others spoke after him.
"Count me in", Ariv said
"Me also", Arthit stood up from his seat
"Me", Arin said
"Me too", little Arika jumped from Arjun's lap and ran towards her mother.
"Wait all of you. Firstly finish your food then you are allowed to go", Arjun's voice boomed and they all stilled to their places.
The boys whined loudly and Arjun smiled at his hyperactive sons.
"Okay! come all of you", Pashika said and they jumped for joy.
Arjun shared a look with her and Pashika gave him puppy eyes, "Please Ji".
Shaurya stuck to his chair. He too wanted to go but something stopped him and he chose not to go with them.
"Jiya is the Soul of all brothers", Arjun said and Shaurya smiled stiffly. He knew how his brothers protected her from every bad thing...
"But She is FORBIDDEN for me", Shaurya thought and forcefully gulped down his food.
End of flashback:-
Suddenly, the cab stopped outside of the Kashyap Mansion. He stepped out of the cab and his eyes landed on the entrance.
Why is my heart pounding frantically inside my chest?
This is not what I am thinking. Why is my house fully decorated like a wedding is going to happen?
Where are my family members?
I was trembling because an unknown fear was covering my heart.
I heard a giggling sound and turned my way toward the sound which was coming from the servant's quarters and there I saw her.
She was in a red bridal dress and looked beautiful.
Her smile is wide and shyness is displaying on her cheeks and adoring the dimples.
She is happy and my heart is shattering into pieces.
No, No, No ...
I want to scream. This can't be true. This can't happen.
I love her.
I love her damn much.
I want to hide her from the whole world.
She is MINE.
I don't want to share her with anyone.
But I am not in a position to do anything.
I heard my father's voice and quickly stepped away from her room.
"Dadda", I choked.
"Bunny, I didn't know that you'll be here", Dadda said and I knew that he knew my heart.
And right now my heart is crying.
"Dadda?", My voice cracked and Dadda immediately engulfed me in his warm embrace.
This is why I am wondering how he always knows what I am thinking. What my heart is wanting.
I saw Aarya standing there a few steps away from us. He gave me an apologetic look.
"Today's her GAUNA", Dadda said and my heart was shattered by the information.
Today is her GAUNA? ...
"She turned 18 last month", My father explained to me.
This means Her husband will come and take her away from us.
Dadda squeezed my shoulder and I gave him a wide smile and I knew he could feel my pain.
He can easily see my glossy eyes and I quickly marched towards my room.
I know she was forbidden from me because she was Married in her childhood.
Author Notes:-
1) Gauna is a Northern Indian Custom and the ceremony is associated with the consummation of marriage. It is associated with the custom of Child Marriage. The ceremony takes place several years after marriage before the ceremony, The bride stays at her Natal home.
2) The rituals of GAUNA are frequently seen in Child Marriage across India. Usually, when marriage occurs, the child still lives at home with her parents and it is only after the Gauna ceremony is completed, that the marriage is consummated and the bride goes to live with her husband.
3) Technically, CHILD MARRIAGE is illegal in India. A law passed in 1929, The government passed a law banning the practice and it was again updated in 2006. Today, Both women under 18 and men 21 can't legally get married.
4) In many parts of the northern states of India. there has been the tradition of child marriage and Gauna is part of it. The GAUNA is a Bidaai (farewell ceremony of marriage) held when a girl hits puberty or turns 18 by Indian law.
• This book or chapter is only for refreshments or entertainment and I don't want to hurt anyone's sentiments it's true Gauna is part of our country. I wrote because I saw the Gauna ceremony a few years ago in my native hometown...
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